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2016 SHAFR Summer Institute in the Netherlands- “Culture, Propaganda, and Intelligence in Foreign Relations”
By Flavia Gasbarri | dicembre 14, 2015
“Culture, Propaganda, and Intelligence in Foreign Relations”
The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), in partnership with the Transatlantic Studies Association (TSA), invites proposals for the SHAFR Summer Institute, to be held June 27 to July 2 at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. The Institute will be timed so that participants may attend both the annual SHAFR conference in San Diego and the TSA conference at the University of Plymouth (UK). Participants are strongly encouraged (but not required) to attend one or both conferences, and the TSA conference fee will be waived for Institute participants.
The Institute will focus on the use of propaganda, intelligence, and culture as lenses through which to reconsider broader approaches to international and transnational history. Emphasizing the role of government security and information agencies, state-private networks, and non-state and transnational actors, the institute will explore the interconnectedness of public and private, domestic and international, state and non-state. Participants will work with each other and the organizers in a series of research workshops to refine and enhance the analytical framework of a significant research project, ideally (but not exclusively) oriented toward publication of a first book. In addition, the Institute will include professional development sessions and an active-learning pedagogical workshop on the theme of historical memory that will take place at a local site of historical significance.
Objectives of the Institute include: (1) enhance the analytical complexity of on-going research; (2) internationalize SHAFR by building connections between American, European, and other international scholars; (3) promote collaborative international and transnational research networks; (4) share knowledge, archival sources, and research techniques in intelligence and propaganda history.
The Institute is designed for advanced graduate students and early career faculty members in history from around the world, with roughly half the participants coming from North America. All sessions and readings will be in English. Participants will be expected to do some collaborative online work prior to the Institute, and submit a draft chapter-length portion of their research projects by March 15, 2016. Each participant will be provided free accommodation and a stipend sufficient to offset major travel expenses. In addition, the TSA conference fee will be waived for Institute participants.
The deadline for applications is January 10, 2016. Applications should include the following as a single PDF file: one-page curriculum vitae; one-page abstract of the research project to be presented at the Institute, including a brief description of the significance of the project and its source base; and a cover page listing current contact information, institutional affiliation, title of proposed research project, and short answers to the following questions: (1) What are your publication plans for your research project, and what is a realistic timeline for completion? (2) What journal article or book chapter had the greatest impact on your research interests, methods, or ideas? Briefly explain, and provide a complete citation. Please do not cite the Institute organizers. (3) Optional: How will you combine your travel to this Institute with archival research in Europe or participation at the TSA conference? (4) Optional: applicants who can contribute their own funding to subsidize their participation in the Institute should identify the funding source and amount. Applicants should send these materials as a single PDF file to: [email protected] (link sends e-mail). A letter of recommendation should also be sent by the recommender (typically dissertation advisor) directly to this email address. Questions about the institute are welcome and may be directed to the email address above.
The Institute will be led by Kenneth Osgood (Colorado School of Mines), J. Simon Rofe (SOAS, University of London), Giles Scott-Smith (University of Leiden), and Hugh Wilford (California State University, Long Beach).
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