Call for Papers

"The Global Cold War"

Deadline: 15 January 2006

The Cold War Studies Centre (CWSC) of the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Center for Cold War Studies (CCWS) of the University of California Santa Barbara, and the Cold War Group (GWCW) of the George Washington University, in cooperation with the History Faculty at Cambridge University, are pleased to announce their 2006 International Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War, which will be held in London between Thursday 6 and Saturday 8 April 2006. The sessions will take place at the LSE and at the British National Archives at Kew, on the edge of London.

The conference is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to present papers and receive critical feedback from peers and experts in the field.

We encourage submissions by graduate students working on any aspect of the Cold War, broadly defined. Two page Proposals, including a brief academic C.V., should be submitted to [email protected] by Sunday 15 January 2006. Successful applicants will be expected to email their papers by Wednesday 1 March 2006.

Further questions may be directed to the conference coordinators, Garret Martin and Louise Woodroofe, at the aforementioned e-mail address.

The conference sessions will be chaired by prominent members of faculty from above universities. Other members of faculty interested in serving in this capacity or as discussants should contact the conference coordinators directly.

The accommodation cost of students-applicants will be covered by the organisers. For other organisational updates, please check the CWSC website regularly.

In 2003, CCWS and GWCW first joined their separate spring conferences, and two years later, CWSC became a co-sponsor. The three centres now hold a jointly sponsored conference held at each campus in alternating years. For more information on participating institutions, please visit the respective Web sites: for the graduate conference; for the Journal Cold War History; for the CWSC; for GWCW; for CCWS; for Cambridge University.

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