The Department of Social and Political Sciences
was established in 1983 by joining the Institutes of Sociology (Faculty
of Economics), of History of Political Doctrines and Institutions,
of International Political and Historical Studies, of History and
Institutions of African and Asian Countries, of Social and Political
Studies (Faculty of Political Science). The department is divided
into the following sections: Political Sciences, Sociology, History
of Political Doctrines and Institutions, African and Asian Studies,
Historical Studies, International Politics. From 1983 to 1986 the
Head of the Department was Prof. Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri, who was
followed by Prof. Alessandro Cavalli, Prof. Giacomo Sani, Prof.
Antonio Mutti. The current head is Prof. Gian Paolo Calchi Novati.
The Department is linked to the following Doctoral Programs: Oriental
Studies (Civilizations of Far-East Asia), African History, Political
Sciences, Analitical Philosophy and General Theory of Law, Sociology.