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Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini

Associate Professor of History of International Relations

[email protected]



Personal profile:

Ilaria Poggiolini is Associate Professor of History of International Relations and History of European Integration at the University of Pavia and SCR Fellow at St Antony’s College (European Studies Centre), Oxford. Before her appointment at Pavia, she has taught at the Universities of Florence, Sassari and Milan and spent her doctoral and post-doctoral years in the United States and Great Britain.


Master in “Studi Politici Internazionali”, University of Florence - 1981; Visiting Fulbright Scholar (USA), 1985-1986; NATO Fellow - 1987-1988; Ph. D student in History of International Relations, University of Florence 1988-1990; Visiting Fellow at the Center of International Studies and the John Foster Dulles Program, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, (USA) - 1991; Post- Doctoral Fellow at the University of Florence - 1992-1994; British Council Fellow at St. Antony’s College, Oxford (UK) - 1995-1996; Lecturer in History of International Relations, University of Sassari - 1995-1998; Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration History, University of Milan - 1995-1998, Associate Professor of History of International relations and History of European Integration, University of Pavia, 1998-

Her publications focus on the transition from war to peace after WWII, on political and diplomatic relations between Italy and the Allies after 1943, on European integration in the 1970s and the history of enlargement and on the question of Britain in Europe from 1945 to today.

Main Publications:

Areas of Interest:

- Europe;
- International Organisations.

Last update: 19 April 2013.

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