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Prof. Max Guderzo

Full Professor of History of International Relations

[email protected]



Personal profile:

Born in Pavia in 1964, Max Guderzo is Professor of the History of International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair of the History of European Unification at the Faculty of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence (Department of Studies on the State) and Research Co-ordinator of the Machiavelli Inter-University Centre for Cold War Studies (CIMA).

In the last three years he chaired the Degree Course in “International Studies” (1st cycle), co-ordinated three Master Courses in “Euro-Mediterranean Studies”, “Nuclear Fuel Cycle Management and Control for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy and Non-Proliferation Policy” and “History and Politics of the Middle East” (2nd cycle) and a Ph.D. Course in the History of International Relations (3rd cycle and post-doctoral studies).

He is a member of the Steering Committee of ACIS (Associazione Culturale Italia-Spagna), and an Associate member of the Centre for Cold War Studies of the London School of Economics.

In his previous academic position at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, 1998-2004, he was Professor of the History of International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair of the History and Politics of European Integration. He also held a Jean Monnet inter-disciplinary module on the EEC association policy. He directed the Department of Historical and Political Studies, co-ordinated a Master Course in Middle East Studies and was Pro-Rector for international relations and international teaching activities.

He has published essays and books on British decolonisation in Africa (“L’indipendenza del Ghana: strategia della trasformazione imperiale britannica in Africa”, Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, 1991, no.1), Spain’s neutrality in World War Two (“Madrid e l’arte della diplomazia. L’incognita spagnola nella seconda guerra mondiale”, Florence, Manent, 1995), Euro-American relations in the Sixties (“Interesse nazionale e responsabilità globale. Gli Stati Uniti, l’Alleanza atlantica e l’integrazione europea negli anni di Johnson, 1963-69″, Florence, Aida, 2000; forthcoming English edition), and the US and Latin America during the Carter Years (“Ordine mondiale e buon vicinato. Gli Stati Uniti e l’America latina negli anni di Carter (1977-1981), Florence, Polistampa, 2012). He has co-edited a book on raw materials and the international system (“Diplomazia delle risorse. Le materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento”, with M.L. Napolitano, Florence, Polistampa, 2004; Russian edition, Moskva, MGIMO, 2008) and a collection of essays on the EEC and EU enlargement (“2004: l’allargamento dell’Unione europea. Storia, politica, sicurezza, diritto ed economia”, with M.E. Guasconi, Urbino: Studi Urbinati, 2005)
. He is co-editing books on the early détente (“NATO, the Warsaw Pact and the Rise of Détente, 1965-72″), on Spain in the last years of the Franco regime (“L’ultimo franchismo: tra repressione e prodromi della transizione, 1968-75″) and on the globalization of the cold war (“From Helsinki to Gorbachev: The Globalization of the Bipolar Confrontation, 1975-85″). He is currently working on US foreign policy in the Carter years and preparing several essays related to European integration, Spanish issues, and Italian foreign policy in the Sixties.

Co-director of the journal ‘Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali’, he is a member of the Scientific Committee of ‘Letture Urbinati di Politica e Storia’ and ‘Studi Urbinati’, and of the Scientific and Steering Committee of ‘Spagna Contemporanea’.

He has participated in many national and international scientific meetings with presentations based on the above-mentioned research fields, contributes to several national and international research groups and projects, collaborates with the European Commission as an independent evaluator of research projects, and has remarkable language and computer skills.

FULL CV and List of Publications in Italian (PDF) >>>

Main Areas of Interest:

- Cold War Studies;
- History and Politics of European Integration;
- Decolonization and Development;
- Euro-American Relations, 1961-81;
- The US and Latin America, 1977-81;
- Spain in the International Arena, 1939-89.

Last update: 22 July 2014

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